After coaxing, General Tower had agreed to presenting the weekly news conference at the ranch. His security concerns had grown even more stringent after the incident with the surgeon at Bethesda. Jesus wanted to give the reporters a limited tour of the place, newly named "Paraneho Primos Norte" by joint agreement with Juan.
Although it was huge, the best the main ranch house could offer for a gathering of fifteen was the dining hall. It was rustic and functional, a place to feed ranch hands along with a family. It was definitely a dining hall, not a dining room.
The attendees were searched in Washington, D.C. before boarding a Marine helicopter for the ranch forty five minutes away. Most were excited about having an opportunity to see the place. Some were hoping to meet Mrs. Jesus Robeles. General knowledge about her had started with her being a Marine enlisted woman, but had not progressed much from there. Likewise, Juan's wife, known only as Mrs. Gemarro remained a tantalizing mystery to the news media.
Jesus made his entrance to the conference with His usual accomplices, but this time the reporters present -- including those with the Mark of God -- all burst into a healthy session of spontaneous laughter. The Brazilians were wearing their new cowboy hats. Beatrice was perched proudly above Juan's head. Mr. Santos had chosen with his usual impeccable taste but none of his usual conservatism. They were huge.
"Thank you all for coming. We thought that you might think a tour of the ranch would make a helicopter ride all the way out here worth while. I don't want to frighten everyone, but Juan and I have purchased HumVees in order that we might learn to drive. Neither one of us had seen an automobile before we arrived in Rio de Janeiro. The good news is that I won't be your driver -- this time, even though everyone very generously encourages Me with My progress."
Everyone began laughing. It was a good note to start the news conference.
"Since we will be traveling in two vehicles, I'll ask that all your questions be held until we have assembled again. That way everyone will be able to hear all the questions and have an even chance."
The group rode in the HumVees to the construction site for the new housing Jesus had ordered. He happily led all of them through the foundations of the new recreation center for the Marines and the huge swimming pool. They went to the barn and the stables. Eight fine horses grazed peacefully in a fenced pasture. They went by the bunkhouse, now undergoing remodeling to become quarters for the military affairs personnel. Finally, at a word from Jesus, the young Marines who were driving headed across the rolling meadows to the river. Here, under great tall cottonwood trees in a meadow of lush green grass and wildflowers, the group stopped. Beatrice, who had been providing her own transportation, landed herself on a tree stump.
A table was set with cookies and lemonade for the visitors. Folding chairs were removed from the vehicles and set up in the speckled shade. The sound of a courageous little river gurgled in the background. Jesus climbed a short tree trunk and sat before the twelve reporters. "Our refreshments were made by My wife. Perhaps you all can see why I prefer this place to the Watergate. Shall we start?" He pointed to a woman toward the side of the group.
"Lynn O'Hara, Raleigh Dawn Courier. We all heard Buck Stratton's announcement speech. Do You have any thoughts about his plan to throw You out of the country?"
"Yes, I do. First of all, I have just married an American citizen. Juan, too. We would have married our wives even if they had been Bulgarian citizens. These were not marriages of convenience for immigration purposes. In any event. we can really live where we wish. But now we are becoming American Citizens. We may even be able to vote in the election."
"If we receive American Citizenship it may be difficult for Buck Stratton to throw us out of the country. That is the way America is. You may not like Me, but I still get to stay."
"As far as Buck Stratton's candidacy, his announcement was not surprising, given the way things are, I would personally rather vote for a politician who makes only lip service as to his character. Then you know what you are getting. I'm afraid I agree with China. Religious governments can be a problem. You may recall that I lived under one twenty centuries ago -- and suffered the consequences of a brush with those authorities. Do you have a question?" He nodded to a woman on the front row.
"Vera Baker, Oklahoma Visionary. Is there any news about pregnancy here on the ranch?"
When the laughter subsided, Jesus answered, "That would be the same answer as last time -- a week ago. We're working on it." The laughter returned. Jesus pointed to a man seated in the center of the group.
James Henders. San Bernardino Times. You have spoken several times about Your purpose in being here. Is everything that's going on here Your purpose?"
"That's a good question. It may be but I suspect not. When I was still on the Island of Paraneho, when I first learned the truth about Who I was, at least the part that was revealed with the death of Father Riaz
"During that moment I suddenly had an understanding of My exact situation with respect to things which would come later. My mind was awash with ideas and new knowledge which seemed to come so quickly that I was afraid I would forget something. But there was not a moment when I doubted that the voice within Me was that of the Creator, and further, that this was not a passive gift or vision. I was receiving instructions, but the instructions I was receiving seemed to be in the past sense. They seemed to be things which were to be in My future which were expressed to Me as if they were already in My past, already done."
"A very great part of that message was that I should remain faithful to My commitment to carry out My part of whatever was to be done. Also, I know that I am to remain ready, always prepared to act in the interest of the Creator when the time comes for that. As with all human beings I have as a normal part of My nature to constantly think of God. Serving the Creator is always a great joy, never a burden or a sorrow. Would you like to ask a question?" Jesus looked at a heavy set man in the back.
"Norm Hastings, Boise Daily News. Do I understand You to say that all the features of Your unique nature were simply communicated to You during that moment on the Island?"
"The big picture was definitely communicated to Me. Some of the smaller details were actually My own idea, each was found acceptable to the Creator, of course. No one would have any interest in disobedience at such a time."
"The automatic translation of my speech was one thing I asked for. I was uncertain how far out into the world I might be traveling on My mission. I wanted to be able to speak freely with people who didn't understand Portuguese. That idea has worked out very well. Translators are usually very nice people, but they tend to slow things down. Sometimes there are none."
"I asked at that time what could be done about the mischief that has always resulted from the written word, especially after a few centuries. The example of the New Testament in the Christian Bible illustrates this problem. I don't wish to argue about it, but why have a Savior if only to put words into His mouth such a long time after His death?"
"This is the reason that none of you can write notes in these news conferences which are verbatim what I have said. The Creator chose, and I am very happy for it, that no direct quotations would be sent into the world and interpreted from things I said. That idea really didn't work well before, so We're not going to do that again. I have read the annotated versions of these questions and answers. They are thoughtful and carefully made. I am confident that they will be worth more than My actual words if it comes to that."
"Likewise, the matter of photographs. During My previous life numerous artistic people, and some not so artistic although with warm hearts, made drawings of Me as portraits and even My whole person. These drawings were quite good even by modern standards. So, you all can imagine My surprise when I first saw many pictures of Myself as a blond haired rock star fully four inches taller than I am. If Herod's police had used that picture to hunt Me down, they would have arrested a Roman!"
"All of these pictures I mention would have contradicted one or another of the fantastic tales in the Gospels, even years or decades later. Consequently, every one of them was destroyed as apostasy when in fact these very pictures communicated exactly just what happened and the Gospel account was a record of events which happened very differently than recalled. I want to tell you that these discrepancies were seldom the result of conscious deceipt. I am fairly confident that most of them just resulted from exaggeration and embellishment -- and sometimes a desire to associate some ancestor with My ministry. It's just that there are so many of them, a little here and a little there. It was a long time, in some cases decades and decades between events and the time of a written record of them. During that time many little additions can be made."
"Now, I have allowed three photographs to be taken. I think that will be all. I do not want to have someone say that a photo was 'fixed' to show a 'miracle' which never happened. This time we will have to handle everything on a personal basis without relying on the mass media's coverage. A question from you, ma'am?" Jesus asked a woman sitting under the trees to the left. Small flies or mosquitoes were swarming around her, but she bravely smiled and prepared to offer her question.
"Just a moment please. All those darling little creatures are attracted to your perfume." Jesus gently blew in the direction of the woman, and the insects departed. "Now, what is your question?"
"Why, they are gone! Thank you very much!" she said, trying to compose herself. "Nancy Bolinger, Red Rock Tribune. I think I'm going to forget the question I had and ask You just what You did just then."
Jesus laughed. "Well, before you all get your pencils racing, that was no miracle. Believe it or not, any of you could do that if you saw things a little differently."
"Those little flies, and I believe that's what they were, became attracted to Ms. Bolinger's perfume. They interpreted the scent to be an opportunity to feed on pollen more than likely. As they began to swarm around, there was no pollen and they became confused, finally causing the situation of a few moments ago. Such creatures are easily confused, and once they reach that state, they can remain confused."
"One way to see the resulting situation is that all these little flies are bothering me. This position is based on the idea that 'I don't deserve to have these pests buzzing around my head.' That is a typical human response because it places the human at the very top of things. It is based on the assumption that Great Nature may very well do as she wishes, but that she has no business being bothersome to Me because I am a human."
"On the other hand, a person can take the position that the little flies and the human they are swarming around both belong to Great Nature. From this point of view, the human being can see that the flies who are partners in the operation of life on earth, have lost their way and may actually expend so much of their limited energy that they will be harmed or die with their pointless swarming. Then the person can make available to such a situation both his superior intelligence and his sincere wish that all parts of Great Nature function properly. Communicating these two things to his partners in nature, the flies, breaks the trance they have fallen into and allows them to move on to carry forth their lives as planned in the general scheme of things."
"We have spoken of politics and religion, both arenas of mankind, today. But isn't a greater system always present around us? We are naturally more interested in our own affairs than those of Great Nature, but only because we are short sighted. It is hard for us to lay down the events of man's world and notice the natural part of ourselves."
"Absolutely none of this is a reflection on you, Ms. Bolinger, in any way. You didn't know you would be in the country today when you arrived for the news conference. I thank you for the question, however."
"That will be all the questions today. These two vehicles will carry you back to the helicopter. I think I will stay here for a while in this beautiful place."
Although it was huge, the best the main ranch house could offer for a gathering of fifteen was the dining hall. It was rustic and functional, a place to feed ranch hands along with a family. It was definitely a dining hall, not a dining room.
The attendees were searched in Washington, D.C. before boarding a Marine helicopter for the ranch forty five minutes away. Most were excited about having an opportunity to see the place. Some were hoping to meet Mrs. Jesus Robeles. General knowledge about her had started with her being a Marine enlisted woman, but had not progressed much from there. Likewise, Juan's wife, known only as Mrs. Gemarro remained a tantalizing mystery to the news media.
Jesus made his entrance to the conference with His usual accomplices, but this time the reporters present -- including those with the Mark of God -- all burst into a healthy session of spontaneous laughter. The Brazilians were wearing their new cowboy hats. Beatrice was perched proudly above Juan's head. Mr. Santos had chosen with his usual impeccable taste but none of his usual conservatism. They were huge.
"Thank you all for coming. We thought that you might think a tour of the ranch would make a helicopter ride all the way out here worth while. I don't want to frighten everyone, but Juan and I have purchased HumVees in order that we might learn to drive. Neither one of us had seen an automobile before we arrived in Rio de Janeiro. The good news is that I won't be your driver -- this time, even though everyone very generously encourages Me with My progress."
Everyone began laughing. It was a good note to start the news conference.
"Since we will be traveling in two vehicles, I'll ask that all your questions be held until we have assembled again. That way everyone will be able to hear all the questions and have an even chance."
The group rode in the HumVees to the construction site for the new housing Jesus had ordered. He happily led all of them through the foundations of the new recreation center for the Marines and the huge swimming pool. They went to the barn and the stables. Eight fine horses grazed peacefully in a fenced pasture. They went by the bunkhouse, now undergoing remodeling to become quarters for the military affairs personnel. Finally, at a word from Jesus, the young Marines who were driving headed across the rolling meadows to the river. Here, under great tall cottonwood trees in a meadow of lush green grass and wildflowers, the group stopped. Beatrice, who had been providing her own transportation, landed herself on a tree stump.
A table was set with cookies and lemonade for the visitors. Folding chairs were removed from the vehicles and set up in the speckled shade. The sound of a courageous little river gurgled in the background. Jesus climbed a short tree trunk and sat before the twelve reporters. "Our refreshments were made by My wife. Perhaps you all can see why I prefer this place to the Watergate. Shall we start?" He pointed to a woman toward the side of the group.
"Lynn O'Hara, Raleigh Dawn Courier. We all heard Buck Stratton's announcement speech. Do You have any thoughts about his plan to throw You out of the country?"
"Yes, I do. First of all, I have just married an American citizen. Juan, too. We would have married our wives even if they had been Bulgarian citizens. These were not marriages of convenience for immigration purposes. In any event. we can really live where we wish. But now we are becoming American Citizens. We may even be able to vote in the election."
"If we receive American Citizenship it may be difficult for Buck Stratton to throw us out of the country. That is the way America is. You may not like Me, but I still get to stay."
"As far as Buck Stratton's candidacy, his announcement was not surprising, given the way things are, I would personally rather vote for a politician who makes only lip service as to his character. Then you know what you are getting. I'm afraid I agree with China. Religious governments can be a problem. You may recall that I lived under one twenty centuries ago -- and suffered the consequences of a brush with those authorities. Do you have a question?" He nodded to a woman on the front row.
"Vera Baker, Oklahoma Visionary. Is there any news about pregnancy here on the ranch?"
When the laughter subsided, Jesus answered, "That would be the same answer as last time -- a week ago. We're working on it." The laughter returned. Jesus pointed to a man seated in the center of the group.
James Henders. San Bernardino Times. You have spoken several times about Your purpose in being here. Is everything that's going on here Your purpose?"
"That's a good question. It may be but I suspect not. When I was still on the Island of Paraneho, when I first learned the truth about Who I was, at least the part that was revealed with the death of Father Riaz
"During that moment I suddenly had an understanding of My exact situation with respect to things which would come later. My mind was awash with ideas and new knowledge which seemed to come so quickly that I was afraid I would forget something. But there was not a moment when I doubted that the voice within Me was that of the Creator, and further, that this was not a passive gift or vision. I was receiving instructions, but the instructions I was receiving seemed to be in the past sense. They seemed to be things which were to be in My future which were expressed to Me as if they were already in My past, already done."
"A very great part of that message was that I should remain faithful to My commitment to carry out My part of whatever was to be done. Also, I know that I am to remain ready, always prepared to act in the interest of the Creator when the time comes for that. As with all human beings I have as a normal part of My nature to constantly think of God. Serving the Creator is always a great joy, never a burden or a sorrow. Would you like to ask a question?" Jesus looked at a heavy set man in the back.
"Norm Hastings, Boise Daily News. Do I understand You to say that all the features of Your unique nature were simply communicated to You during that moment on the Island?"
"The big picture was definitely communicated to Me. Some of the smaller details were actually My own idea, each was found acceptable to the Creator, of course. No one would have any interest in disobedience at such a time."
"The automatic translation of my speech was one thing I asked for. I was uncertain how far out into the world I might be traveling on My mission. I wanted to be able to speak freely with people who didn't understand Portuguese. That idea has worked out very well. Translators are usually very nice people, but they tend to slow things down. Sometimes there are none."
"I asked at that time what could be done about the mischief that has always resulted from the written word, especially after a few centuries. The example of the New Testament in the Christian Bible illustrates this problem. I don't wish to argue about it, but why have a Savior if only to put words into His mouth such a long time after His death?"
"This is the reason that none of you can write notes in these news conferences which are verbatim what I have said. The Creator chose, and I am very happy for it, that no direct quotations would be sent into the world and interpreted from things I said. That idea really didn't work well before, so We're not going to do that again. I have read the annotated versions of these questions and answers. They are thoughtful and carefully made. I am confident that they will be worth more than My actual words if it comes to that."
"Likewise, the matter of photographs. During My previous life numerous artistic people, and some not so artistic although with warm hearts, made drawings of Me as portraits and even My whole person. These drawings were quite good even by modern standards. So, you all can imagine My surprise when I first saw many pictures of Myself as a blond haired rock star fully four inches taller than I am. If Herod's police had used that picture to hunt Me down, they would have arrested a Roman!"
"All of these pictures I mention would have contradicted one or another of the fantastic tales in the Gospels, even years or decades later. Consequently, every one of them was destroyed as apostasy when in fact these very pictures communicated exactly just what happened and the Gospel account was a record of events which happened very differently than recalled. I want to tell you that these discrepancies were seldom the result of conscious deceipt. I am fairly confident that most of them just resulted from exaggeration and embellishment -- and sometimes a desire to associate some ancestor with My ministry. It's just that there are so many of them, a little here and a little there. It was a long time, in some cases decades and decades between events and the time of a written record of them. During that time many little additions can be made."
"Now, I have allowed three photographs to be taken. I think that will be all. I do not want to have someone say that a photo was 'fixed' to show a 'miracle' which never happened. This time we will have to handle everything on a personal basis without relying on the mass media's coverage. A question from you, ma'am?" Jesus asked a woman sitting under the trees to the left. Small flies or mosquitoes were swarming around her, but she bravely smiled and prepared to offer her question.
"Just a moment please. All those darling little creatures are attracted to your perfume." Jesus gently blew in the direction of the woman, and the insects departed. "Now, what is your question?"
"Why, they are gone! Thank you very much!" she said, trying to compose herself. "Nancy Bolinger, Red Rock Tribune. I think I'm going to forget the question I had and ask You just what You did just then."
Jesus laughed. "Well, before you all get your pencils racing, that was no miracle. Believe it or not, any of you could do that if you saw things a little differently."
"Those little flies, and I believe that's what they were, became attracted to Ms. Bolinger's perfume. They interpreted the scent to be an opportunity to feed on pollen more than likely. As they began to swarm around, there was no pollen and they became confused, finally causing the situation of a few moments ago. Such creatures are easily confused, and once they reach that state, they can remain confused."
"One way to see the resulting situation is that all these little flies are bothering me. This position is based on the idea that 'I don't deserve to have these pests buzzing around my head.' That is a typical human response because it places the human at the very top of things. It is based on the assumption that Great Nature may very well do as she wishes, but that she has no business being bothersome to Me because I am a human."
"On the other hand, a person can take the position that the little flies and the human they are swarming around both belong to Great Nature. From this point of view, the human being can see that the flies who are partners in the operation of life on earth, have lost their way and may actually expend so much of their limited energy that they will be harmed or die with their pointless swarming. Then the person can make available to such a situation both his superior intelligence and his sincere wish that all parts of Great Nature function properly. Communicating these two things to his partners in nature, the flies, breaks the trance they have fallen into and allows them to move on to carry forth their lives as planned in the general scheme of things."
"We have spoken of politics and religion, both arenas of mankind, today. But isn't a greater system always present around us? We are naturally more interested in our own affairs than those of Great Nature, but only because we are short sighted. It is hard for us to lay down the events of man's world and notice the natural part of ourselves."
"Absolutely none of this is a reflection on you, Ms. Bolinger, in any way. You didn't know you would be in the country today when you arrived for the news conference. I thank you for the question, however."
"That will be all the questions today. These two vehicles will carry you back to the helicopter. I think I will stay here for a while in this beautiful place."