Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 46


The jet roared through the night skies heading north. The pilot finally received clearance on his flight plan as far as the Virgin Islands. The Americans were stumbling over his request for clearance into Dulles.

Inside the luxurious plane, calm prevailed. Jesus and Juan, excited by the prospects of finally being free to walk about alternately peered out the oval windows and cat napped. Both were very much taken by the snacks carried on board, chips candy bars and sodas, than the meals which had been taken aboard at Puerto Cabello.

Persisting in their humble view of life, each packaged treat was examined, then shared, followed by a frank discussion of its wondrous taste. Government House had introduced them to canned sodas, but the fascination of carbonated colas was far from passing. Twice Santos had cautioned them about the effects of such food.

A passionate red dawn broke over the Bahamas, illuminating wispy clouds caught in the Caribbean current far below. Juan was suddenly impressed with just where he was. "We are really high above the ocean now, Jesus!"

"Mr. Santos said that we had a good plane and a good crew. He said the same thing about having a good ship and a good crew while we were on board the Resurrection. I think we can assume he will accomplish his aim with this flight just as he did with that ship. Can you see any people below? Can you see any girls?" Jesus asked, peering over His friend's shoulder.

In the cockpit, the pilot turned to Mr. Santos who was dozing in the seat next to him. "They have finally decided what to do with us. We have a new destination. I suppose they are a little nervous about a public arrival at Dulles. Now we are cleared to Andrews Air Force Base, and we are picking up an escort just outside the Southern Air Defense Intercept Zone."

"What do you think the escort means?" asked Santos.

"It means a couple of things. It means that they are acting as if they don't want us to get shot down. It also means that they want to keep an eye on us until we land at Andrews. We should see these birds in a few minutes. You might want to advise our passengers that everything is routine."

"Good idea. How far are we from Andrews?" Santos asked, straightening his tie.

"About two hours if we don't have to deviate from our course. I am expecting a very quiet reception at Andrews." the pilot answered without turning toward Santos.

The attorney made his way aft to where his passengers were now glued to the windows of the jet. "Sir, Juan, you should perhaps clean up a little and prepare for landing in about two hours. That will be eleven AM Washington time. Since You don't have any luggage, there shouldn't be much more to do. I might repeat my suggestion that You try to wear shoes. I will have a car waiting, but it may be cold when we land."

In unison the shoes question was laid to rest. "We can't walk in them." Jesus followed with His stock promise, "Perhaps if we can become more accustomed to them, we can wear shoes later."

"You will probably see one or two other aircraft trailing along our side in a few minutes. Those are actually the way the Americans greet travelers like us, so don't be concerned about them." Santos had not even finished speaking when two F18's took position a few hundred yards off either wing of the jet. Jesus and Juan waved to the pilots. They waved back.