Monday, November 15, 2010

Chapter 50


[EYES ONLY Intercepted Comment Log]

Tom Hanneman: "He wrote that speech himself didn't he? It basically enraged both sides -- showed 'em that he's scared. The people hate politics. Why does he think they're gonna' dump rioting for religion which is fun for another presidential campaign full of dry shredded wheat?"

General Foorda, Chief of Staff for the Army: "Yeah, he pretty much staked out some ground alright, but it's not the high ground that a Christian white man would stake out. No, it's a little burial plot for himself -- right next to the hole you gotta go down to get to Hell!"

Pastor Lentz, Stratton Ministries: "These are the terrified screams of the damned, howling for a better chance to attack the body of Christ -- the real Christ -- THE DEAD ONE. Cozying up to these blasphemers would place our own salvation in jeopardy. In the words of a REAL Republican President, "read my lips." No peace."

Christians for Christ leadership: "Things weren't too calm in Jerusalem either. For a while it looked like the Pharisees would carry the day, but they mostly just got San Diego. Who won was the people who followed Jesus Christ, then, now and forever. Just remember who won in the end. We did."

Jerry Oxford, Democrat Candidate for President: "I'd like to thank Bob Haskill for lowering his approval rating by fourteen points. It would now take a mass mailing to find anyone left in the country who likes him."

Jesus Robeles to Juan Gemarro: "I can't really understand what any of them are doing, but then, this 
is America."