WASHINGTON, D.C. In a rare excursion from the protected confines of the Watergate Hotel, Jesus Robeles and his aide got their haircut at a small barbershop in the South Jacinto area of Washington. The pair's style of waist long hair has started a small fashion trend in the nation's capitol.
While still inside the barbershop a large number of protesters gathered in South Jacinto Street. Both Secret Service and military security was heavy in the area. Fighting broke out and some arrests were made. The disturbance made it necessary for Jesus and his party to leave the scene in a Marine helicopter. There is an unconfirmed report that at least one Marine was injured during the melee. Both city officials and the military declined to comment on the nature or severity of his injuries.
The Marine injured in Thursday's rioting in South Jacinto has been identified as Lance Corporal Collin Scott. Corporal Scott was apparently shot while on duty defending Jesus Robeles. The so-called Brazilian Jesus had traveled by convoy to the Jacinto District to get his hair cut among other things when the incident happened.
The Marine injured in Thursday's rioting in South Jacinto has been identified as Lance Corporal Collin Scott. Corporal Scott was apparently shot while on duty defending Jesus Robeles. The so-called Brazilian Jesus had traveled by convoy to the Jacinto District to get his hair cut among other things when the incident happened.
The injured Marine was air lifted by Marine helicopter to Endless Mercy of Christ Our Savior Health Center and Trauma Clinic. Dr. Tyler Scott, the attending Emergency Department physician at the time, signed Corporal Scott's Death Certificate at 8:58 PM Thursday. Describing events at the hospital as routine, Dr. Scott says "I was called after Corporal Scott failed to survive emergency surgery to remove a small calibre bullet from his heart. I certified death because the man was dead. I have been a trauma physician for eighteen years, nine years at Endless Mercy, and I know who's alive and who's dead. Corporal Scott was dead."
Dr. Scott added, "I stand by my finding of death even though now the body is apparently missing. Hospital security arrangements are not my responsibility."
Dr. Scott is unrelated to the injured man.
The United States Marine Corps today has officially listed Lance Corporal Collin Scott as killed in action. Scott was injured while protecting Jesus Robeles at an incident earlier this week. The family will receive all benefits and citations awarded posthumously. A military funeral in Scott's hometown of Cedar Springs, MI will be planned when Corporal Scott's body is located.
The United States Marine Corps today has officially listed Lance Corporal Collin Scott as killed in action. Scott was injured while protecting Jesus Robeles at an incident earlier this week. The family will receive all benefits and citations awarded posthumously. A military funeral in Scott's hometown of Cedar Springs, MI will be planned when Corporal Scott's body is located.
Gladys Burpa, the charge nurse at Endless Mercy Hospital when Lance Corporal Collin Scott was brought there, testified to a Federal Grand Jury empaneled to determine what happened to the body and who might be responsible for its disappearance. She told the Grand Jury, "The anti-Christ came to the hospital with a high ranking officer, clearly under his control. They forced two other Marines to overwhelm hospital security. When they finally left after terrorizing half the hospital with armed threats, the body was gone."
Gladys Burpa, the charge nurse at Endless Mercy Hospital when Lance Corporal Collin Scott was brought there, testified to a Federal Grand Jury empaneled to determine what happened to the body and who might be responsible for its disappearance. She told the Grand Jury, "The anti-Christ came to the hospital with a high ranking officer, clearly under his control. They forced two other Marines to overwhelm hospital security. When they finally left after terrorizing half the hospital with armed threats, the body was gone."
General V. Veemer, Commandant of the Marine Corps testified earlier that the disappearance of the body was considered a very grave matter by the Marine Corps. "We've re-invaded sovereign nations to retrieve the bodies of Marines killed in action. We've got a very distraught family and a lot of questions. This is not the way we do business."
The matter has been referred to a Federal Court because Lance Corporal Scott was a member of the military. The Grand Jury may hand down indictments as early as next week.
City building officials announced today that the building which was at the center of rioting last week will be demolished. The barber, Hernando Guterros, was air lifted from the scene along with the party of Jesus Robeles when it became clear that Robeles' Marine escort would not be able to maintain security at the site.
City building officials announced today that the building which was at the center of rioting last week will be demolished. The barber, Hernando Guterros, was air lifted from the scene along with the party of Jesus Robeles when it became clear that Robeles' Marine escort would not be able to maintain security at the site.
After the Marines and Secret Service left the scene, thousands of Neo-Apostolics streamed into the wrecked building in search of objects which had been touched by Robeles. The most sought after tokens were hair clippings left from Robeles' haircut. Police spokesmen estimate that upwards of 500 Neo-Apostolics protesters were in the small shop at one time. Police were unable to penetrate the crowd to the interior of the building where fighting was reported, mainly in scuffles over the hair and other artifacts. The building was judged a complete loss.
A Federal Grand Jury looking into the disappearance of the body of Marine Lance Corporal found no indictments necessary. A spokesman for the Prosecutor's office told reporters "There's no body. There's is no credible evidence of a crime having been committed. The Marine's family has indicated that they are unwilling to pursue the investigation or prosecution. This Grand Jury inquiry was the result of pressure from outside sources. To put it simply, there is no evidence, no suspect and apparently no crime."
A Federal Grand Jury looking into the disappearance of the body of Marine Lance Corporal found no indictments necessary. A spokesman for the Prosecutor's office told reporters "There's no body. There's is no credible evidence of a crime having been committed. The Marine's family has indicated that they are unwilling to pursue the investigation or prosecution. This Grand Jury inquiry was the result of pressure from outside sources. To put it simply, there is no evidence, no suspect and apparently no crime."
Military authorities are now denying preliminary reports that Lance Corporal Collin Scott is in the base hospital here. Base Commander Lt. General James Rogers told reporters that the patient is not Collin Scott, and that the report was the result of errors in hospital paperwork. General Rogers said, "We're the Marines. We get everything right sooner or later."
Military authorities are now denying preliminary reports that Lance Corporal Collin Scott is in the base hospital here. Base Commander Lt. General James Rogers told reporters that the patient is not Collin Scott, and that the report was the result of errors in hospital paperwork. General Rogers said, "We're the Marines. We get everything right sooner or later."
In a related story, two enlisted Marines who were apparently present when Corporal Scott's body was taken from Endless Mercy Hospital in Washington, D.C. are "unavailable for reporters" at this time. The whereabouts of the two is unknown after they were transferred to new assignments. General Vilnius Veemer, Commandant of the Marine Corps, indicated that certain of the transfer records of the two men had been misfiled. He added, "I'm fairly certain that neither one of them would have much to tell you, anyway."
General Justus Tower, commanding officer of the Marine detachment at the Watergate Hotel, and apparently an eye witness to the event in the morgue of Endless Mercy Hospital limited his statement to "No Comment." He further informed reporters of plans to stipulate that no questions about the incident would be allowed at future news conferences by Robeles.