"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Ted Harper from Buck Stratton Radio Ministries. Pastor Stratton has a special message for you tonight. He and the studio audience are preparing for that as we speak. Pastor Stratton has an exciting new offer for the radio audience which I am sure he will mention during his sermon. Be sure to stay tuned right after this broadcast for details on how you may order. And, now, from Buck Stratton Radio Ministries in San Diego, California, here is Pastor Stratton!"
"My beloved, this right here is Pastor Buck Stratton comin' to ya' on Stratton Radio Ministries bringin' the message of light to the fallen world. Before we begin I ask that all of ya' join me in a moment of prayer for these brave souls among our congregation who have fallen in Atlanta and other places while they was fightin' with the evil forces of the anti-Christ.
Lord, take these saints and heroes up into heaven with YEW. They done fought th' good fight for righteousness and faith in Your Name. Please keep all of 'em right close by, so's when the rest of the saints from Stratton Ministries gets there we can all be together. Also, please guide us to the total destruction of our enemy, the anti-Christ, because that's what it and my ex-wife deserves!
Tonight my message to you, beloved, is called 'Who Are We?' Now this might sound a little simple, but stay with me! See, in radio land today there's a evil confusion about who's a Christian and who ain't. Don't none of you worry about this too much on account of God can sort this out when its time. But right here and right now we're facing an evil force that is the spawn of Satan! Yes, my brothers and sisters, the SPAWN OF SATAN!
See, these folks wantin' to worship that man in Washington, D.C. have been misled, that's right, beloved, MISLED IN A MIGHTY WAY! They've lost their way on the path of righteousness. They're not like us here at Stratton Radio Ministries! Them folk's on the path to brimstone and eternal damnation! So, who are we? We're on our own path, brothers and sisters! The path of tribulation and trial! But we can take it because we got the real thing! On account of us bein' righteous people we want to suffer in every part of our lives! No hardship or pain will stop us from crushing the armies of the anti-Christ because when we fall in this great battle, we fall into Glory! Praise the Lord! That's Right! Fall Into Glory!
So, beloved, who are we? Outt'a all the folks in this sinful world doin' this and doin' that how can we know just who we are? I can tell you, my brethren, who we ain't! We ain't idolyooaters worshipin' at the feet of the deceiver while he's a sittin' in the circles of power in our nation's capitol! We ain't tricked by the lies of this heretic who tells us that he has come again as our Lord and Savior! This liar doesn't even stand behind the promise of God Almighty what's written in our Holy Bible. He doesn't even know what is written in the Good Book, much less what it means! And believe me when I say this, my beloved, ain't no pastor there to tell Him what it means!
This here demon who just done jumped in among us, beloved, claims he's the reincarnate Christ, but then he turns right around 'n denies that he even said what's written that he did say! And his sins! This jack ass is a makin' evil lies! That's right, EVIL LIES set out to confuse millions of folks who was devout and holy a year ago. He draws in the unsuspectin' and the simple minded, and you, brothers and sisters, know who I'm talkin' about! He even done sucked my wife into his sin and trickery! Now she's a fallen soul. He is leadin' all these souls to a future of judgment and eternal damnation. How do I know? I know because this here Bible is the inspired Word of God. If it's in the Bible, that means God said it. And if God said it, I believe it!
In John One, Chapter 2, John writes "He that saith I know Him and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar and the truth ain't in him." Keep that in mind, now. Yessirree! This liar's livin' in luxury so high on the hog that them antichrists of the past way yonder in the time of Jesus, that being the real Jesus -- the dead one, would'a turned green with envy. The penthouse of the Watergate lots fancier than them palaces where Nero and Herod and them kind was livin'!
See old John should'a writ another verse just to cover what's goin' on here. Maybe John should said 'He that saith I AM HIM, and keepeth not His commandments is a liar and truth ain't in him. That there just about proves everthing pretty darned clear for being in Bible talk and all. Now, THAT we could use! But my beloved, just what kinds of sin's goin' on there in that fancy dancy hotel?
Just like you all, I seen them satellite photos of that demon and his 'friend' in their pool down to Rio. They was naked! Now, can you tell me why these here two growed men's swimmin' naked together? It's damned sure not on account of nothin' the Holy Bible tells 'em to do! Do you think the REAL Jesus spent time naked with His disciples? Nosirree! The Bible don't say nothin' like that 'cause Jesus never done anything like that! What the Good Book says is that a man actin' like that is an abomination! Yessirree! That's what it said! An abomination! That means you're supposed to kill 'em. That's what it means! Yessirree! Kill 'em!
This here is a religious radio broadcast, so I ain't goin' muck down into the details about this particular sin that is clearly going on with our pet demon out there in Washington. However, my beloved, this ministry is offerin' an illustrated pamphlet with a fiction account of a day -- and a night -- in the life of the deceiver and his friend. You must be over eighteen years old to take advantage of this offer. The pamphlet, 'Nights of Sin in the Watergate' is forty one pages and is free to any listener makin' a love offerin' of $15.00.
I wouldn't let MY boy work in that hotel. This here demon can cast spells on people and lead 'em anywheres he wants 'em to go. Any young man workin' in that hotel, in there a'workin' in that nest of demons, had better run for his life! This phony Son of God'll have his way with 'em if they're not careful! Join my prayers to protect them young Marines standin' watch over his abominations!
And speakin' of castin' spells, what about them so-called press conferences? He don't even speak English to them poor reporters -- and you kin bet them poor reporters gettin' sent in there just screamin' 'n hollerin' aginst their will tryin' to keep their jobs while they losing their immortal souls!. Yet, they come staggerin' out of there full of lies and poison, all of 'em thinkin' they heard him say somethin'. This here is because he puts demons in 'em so's they'll carry his lies out to the papers and spread 'em among the people!
This Ministry done found out from secret sources that every one of them reporters gets sick after one of them press conferences -- horrible afflictions right from Satan you know, boils and stuff! They just last long enough to get their stories -- that meanin' his evil message -- into print. The deceiver uses the great suffering of these honest people to get his poison into print! The shame! And calls himself by the name of Jesus! Shame!
Why does this so-called man hide behind the Marines and the Secret Service? I'll tell you why, beloved, and that's on account o'him not being able to face the truth in our faces -- God's truth -- when we greet him on the street. Did the real Jesus ever hide out in the back seat of an armored limousine or zip around in a darned helicopter tryin' to stay away from the regular folks? Nosirree! Them's regular folks like us! Who's he here to see, anyways?
See right here, it's gonna be up to us to keep the world straight on what's okay and what ain't. We're the ones knows what sinnin' is! You heard me ask the question at the beginnin' of this here broadcast. 'Who are we?' Well, we the ones gotta spot sin and speak up, that's who we are! As good members of this here Radio Ministry, we should all be thinkin' about sin and shame all the time. Them's God's gifts to us so's we can steer a straight course to the Promised Land. We need to share them gifts with the folks ain't seen the light yet. Enough sin and shame thinkin' may just get 'em into the flock.
So how are you going to think about sin and shame even more than now? Ole Ted Harper is gonna tell ya' all about this excitin' new thing Stratton Ministries is doin'. He be on right after I'm done so I'll get off and give the microphone to him. This is Pastor Buck Stratton of Buck Stratton Radio Ministries thankin' you all for tunin' in tonight. May God bless you and keep you, my beloved."
"Thank you, Pastor Stratton, for that wonderful sermon. I'm Ted Harper back with you for a moment to tell you about an exciting new product from Stratton Ministries.
Now, if you collect football cards, you wind up knowing all about football. This is the same with baseball cards, only you wind up knowing all about baseball. Well, following along with what Pastor Stratton spoke about tonight, Stratton Ministries has come up a new idea. We hope it will be a blessing to you as you try to increase your concentration on sin and shame.
Stratton Ministries is going to make a complete set of SIN CARDS! And to kick this off, we're going to do something that we don't do very often. We are going to have a contest where you can win a FREE GIFT!
This is how it works. Stratton Ministries is going to have a SIN CONTEST! That's right! 'PIN THE SIN ON THE DEMON!' Name his sins! Then send us a postcard describing the sin you think he committed. If your sin is used on our collectible anti-Christ cards, you will receive absolutely free, a certificate that will entitle you to ten cards. Every card will have a full color picture or artist's representation of the ANTI-CHRIST committing this sin, similar to the ones in your Bible, and the sin being committed will be printed on the back!
As Pastor Stratton said, we're the ones who know right from wrong. We're the ones who have the job of judging others! These cards will be a great game for the whole family. Kids can learn the principles of Biblical Condemnation at home while they're looking at every flavor of Biblical Sin!
So, send in your SIN POSTCARDS, one sin per postcard please. Be sure to include your name and address. When we have enough, we will make the SIN CARD GAME available in the Stratton Ministry Christian Product Outlets in our regional Service Centers and in Pastor Buck's Toy Box retail outlets across the country.
One last note. Don't wait to order you copy of the pamphlet, 'Nights of Sin in the Watergate' for a $15.00 love offering. Supplies are limited.
Until tomorrow, the is Ted Harper of Stratton Radio Ministries wishing you a good night. God Bless."