The Product Safety Section of the Federal Food and Drug Administration released its final report today after examining the "End Times Flame Proof Bible" being offered by the Buck Stratton Ministries. Contrary to claims made in the complaint, the Product Safety Section detected no asbestos anywhere in the materials of the eleven pound books. Spokesmen did warn that "some type of flame retardant elastomeric substance" was present in both the covers and pages of the product and classified it as hazardous at temperatures higher than eighty degrees, emitting gases with high VOC levels. Product Safety Section analysts suggested that the Bibles should not be held closer than two feet from the face at any temperature, and should not be left indoors or in other closed areas when temperatures exceed eighty degrees.
Spokesmen for Stratton Ministries said there was currently no plan to recall any of the estimated 1,500,000 of the Bibles already sold. Stratton Ministries sells numerous religious products by mail order and on its web site.
A citizens' group has threatened the Evanston City Council with legal action after that body passed an ordinance prohibiting the operation of "Fifth Angel Laser Beacons" in the city. The law was prompted by the crash of a police helicopter in which the pilot claimed to have been temporarily blinded by the beacons.
"Fifth Angel Laser Beacons" are sold by Buck Stratton Ministries, a California corporation. The faithful have mounted hundreds of the devices on roof tops throughout Evanston "to help the angels find the homes of the saved" anticipating the end of the world. The lawsuit is based on religious freedom and the First Amendment.