Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chapter 136


The equatorial weather of the island of Paraneho allowed spring to reveal itself with only the most meager signs. The jungle roared on with no notice of the season, and the warm rains came just as much in summer as in winter. But one sign of springtime was both dependable and perennially beautiful. The sudden appearance of the young parrots and their screams of joy as they announced their mastery of flight was a biological bell which sounded to remember the season. They swooped and soared through the jungle here and there, exploding into color when a column of pure sunlight penetrated the tree canopy high above to illuminate their wings.

Brenda Teal Robeles, now great with child, gave a radiant smile, a mystic, knowing smile as she gazed up at them. It was as if unseen eyes looked down through the parrots' sharp sight, watching all that unfolded in the lives of those below, watching with a kind approval.

Young Justus Robeles ran wild, naked and dirty in the clearing between the huts. Paraneho was a happy paradise for his boundless energy. Uncle Juan and Aunt Nickie, along with the twins, Bolivar and Juanita, joined him and his mother in the quiet joy of pastoral life here.

"Come here, Justus. Climb into this tub. You're too dirty to eat dinner the way you are. Now get in. Mommy's too fat to lift you." Brenda joked good naturedly. "My what a strong little man you've become!"

With his bath underway, the boy became pensive Brenda Teal Robeles braced herself for questions, earnest questions which would would be asked with solemn sincerity for a three year old.

"Do you think that Grampa Tower will visit soon? He is always so funny to wear all those clothes when he is here. Was he always like that?"

Brenda smiled as she reflected, then laughed out loud. "No, actually he used to be quite a lot worse. You must remember that he was a great general in an army. I was in it, too."

"You were in the army, Mommy? Did you have a gun?"

"Yes dear. They called us Marines, but we were an army just the same. And, no. I never had to shoot anyone."

"Mommy don't you want to have another husband? Don't you want to marry another man since Daddy's with God? I know I miss having a Daddy, even though Uncle Juan is just like a Daddy. Don't you miss having a husband to sleep with? Aunt Nickie would miss Uncle Juan if he were dead. I know because I hear them at night. They really love each other. Bolivar told me, too. He saw them together."

"It's not so bad, Justus. Sometimes your Father comes to visit me in the night. Where do you think your little brother Jesus has come from?" Brenda lovingly patted her belly.

"How can someone who is dead come here in the night? Is Daddy a ghost?"

Determined to answer, Brenda paused for a moment. "I suppose He is a ghost of a special sort, but even so I am always glad when He comes to me. He is not a scary ghost. He is still my Husband, and I love Him very much."

"Does He know about me? Will He ever come to me in the night?"

"Oh yes, darling. He knows about you. He will probably come in the daytime, otherwise you wouldn't be able to ask all your questions before bed. He thinks you might grow up to be a great general, strong and just. Yes, a great general who will be able to help your little Brother with His ministry."

"Is my Brother going to be Jesus again, like Daddy?"

"No, not exactly like Daddy. They are getting better at it each time. They haven't given up on the Earth. Now get out and dry off."