"Good evening to you all, my beloved. This right here's Pastor Buck Stratton of the Stratton Radio Ministry coming to you live from our broadcast studios in San Diego, California. I am back on the air tonight thanks to the Holy Spirit movin' you, my listeners, to support this ministry. Last week we weren't able to come up with the air time money, and this station felt moved to play music durin' our regular broadcast time.
The Stratton Radio Ministry ain't affiliated with no big church. We have to make our own way. And that means we depend of the love offerin's from our listeners. So, if you are blessed by the healin' message of salvation that you hear on this broadcast, we'd like to hear from you. We'd also like for you to send along whatever burden the Spirit places on your hearts to help pay the Ministry's bills. Martha and I pray for everyone of you every night, and now we're askin' you include us in your prayers.
Tonight I wanna' talk to you all about science. That's right, science. See, science has a place in the world. Why, we wouldn't have no clothes washers or aspirins if it wasn't for science. Everone of us can think of somethin' science's done for us. That there is the correct place for science. Helpin' out folks so's they can live better.
But right now, beloved, there's some real bad science goin' on in the world. I figger you all heard of what this guy Tillotson is doin' in the Holy Land. It's all over the news these days. This man claims he found the Tomb of the Our Lord Jesus, and he's sayin' that there body in it is the body of Our Savior! Now ain't that just about a pile o' cow cookies? This brain boy's problem is that he ain't read the book! What in Hell -- and I mean Hell -- is he trying to do, anyways?
Now this egg head has lined up about a hundred other idgets with the help of his friends down to the United Nations -- and we already talked about that bunch -- and they figger the can prove that this here is Jesus' body. Why oh why don't all them experts jes look in the Bible? The Bible says you ain't gonna find no body on account o' Jesus ain't here no more. He went to heaven! He went to heaven right in front o' all kinds of people! What's their problem?
Well, I'll tell you what's their problem! The whole bunch of 'em's too smart for their britches! That's their problem! Old Satan is just happier than a vixen fox eatin' chicken eggs over this here! In fact this here's a chance for the DEVIL -- and I do mean the DEVIL -- to take a pot shot at decent religion! To take a pot shot at Bible Readin' and Church Goin' and other stuff that'll get a man into heaven!
I ain't gonna let some mama's boy with a shovel shake down this Ministry! Nosirree! If you call up here 'n ask what happened to Our Lord, you gonna get the story jes like it is in the Bible, not like it's gettin' rewrit by the likes of the United Nations! See, everybody who knows very much already figgers the United Nation is a piece of Satan's handiwork. Them's the ones killin' babies. Them's the ones takin' your tax money and helpin' them pagan Hindus. Now they gonna rewrite your Bible! Them folks is heathens! Sowers of confusion! Ain't gonna be God fearin' Christians rewrite it, neither. It'll be ever' kind of foreigner doin' it, that's who!
See when some kind of nonsense like this comes up ole Satan's just dancin' and prancin' like a lonely farm boy at a square dance! Satan knows when there's a chance for him to do his dirt. We all know that he's jest awaitin' for an open window, and this here's an open window. This here's ole Satan's chance to come into God fearin' folks and shake their faith!
We've had Jesus Christ the Resurrected Son of God all these years and, beloved, I just want you to think of all the good He done us! What's the idea of screwing up a great deal now? I know you're like me. I don't want no part of this screwy U.N. Bible writin' business! Nosirree! This here's only the first thing they goin' want to change! Only Satan knows what them busy little perfesors'll try to prove next!
So now more than ever I pray that you all will stay right here with the Bible and good ole Pastor Buck. This right here is where you can get the truth! The truth about the Holy Bible! The truth about the U.N.! And the ugly truth about them busybodies with them fancy diplomas tryin' to wreck religion as we know it!
Beloved, if this broadcast has been a blessing to you, please include us in your prayers. Also remember that the Buck Stratton Ministry is completely supported by your love offerings, so won't you please let us hear from you? Our address is P.O. Box 17, Purdy Places Mobile Home Estates, San Diego, California, 92118. Martha 'n me hope to hear from you real soon!
The Radio Ministry will be back on the air next Wednesday at this same hour, so please plan to join us then. Until then, may God bless you and keep you all! This here is Ole Pastor Buck signin' off!"