Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 8


Nobel Laureate Dr. Horst Tillotson, speaking today from the mysterious excavation deep in the Sinai desert, made a cautious announcement that his expedition may have found the final tomb of Jesus Christ. Emphasizing that the discovery was extremely tentative, he called for a public international effort to be undertaken at once to verify or negate his preliminary findings. Tillotson suggested that the site be placed under UN control and protection until exhaustive testing can take place.

He described the tomb as that of a poor man, quite small and undecorated. The outer seal is a massive stone estimated at between one and two tons. The inner seal is a smaller stone set tightly in a rock hewn doorway. The inner door seal is typical of the period, having been packed with eucalyptus and pyracanthus. The inner tomb is airtight and the body within is in a state of mummification. The body is well preserved. The tomb will not be opened, pending UN action.

A sharply divided Security Council voted 5 to 3 in favor of "protective and preserving action" to protect the so-called Tillotson Dig in the Sinai Desert. The Council made it clear that the action did not signify support for Dr. Tillotson's preliminary claims that the tomb might contain the remains of Jesus Christ. The Nobel winning archaeologist has been careful throughout the crisis to maintain his own uncertainty about the find.

Tillotson has requested the formation of the United Nations Commission to study the tomb due to its provocative nature. The full UN Assembly will take up the matter in emergency session this week. Experts on UN policy suggest that the Special Commission, once formed, will select leading archaeological experts from around the world to work jointly in resolving the identity of the body within the tomb.

Indian troops from the crack Kundi Kush Regiment arrived in the Sinai today to take up positions around the mysterious tomb that experts think may contain the remains of Jesus Christ. UN Secretary General Mohhad al Bakhir expressed his appreciation to the Indian Government for its prompt response to his request for the troops. One hundred of the Indian soldiers wearing the blue helmets of UN Peace keepers officially relieved both the private guards and the few Israeli troops which had been posted at the tomb. Six high ranking Israeli officers, filling the role of host country military observers joined the Indian force.

The choice of the devoutly Hindu Kundi Kush Regiment resulted from the UN Security Council decision that its military presence at the site should not be Christian, Moslem or Jewish for obvious reasons.

Defending his decision to send Hindu troops to the Jesus grave site, UN Secretary General Al Bakhir described the force as a "Peacekeeping Force" of the finest caliber, and one that can be quickly reinforced, if necessary." Responding to questions about the size of the force, the Secretary General said through an interpreter, "They are Peace keepers. News of the excavation has already had a great impact on three major religions of the world. The Kundi Kush Regiment will make certain that the site remains undisturbed while the Special Commission can do its work. As to the size of the detachment, many soldiers make things peaceful. Not enough soldiers are an invitation to trouble. There will be no trouble in this isolated place in the desert."

The Special Commission to investigate the Tillotson discovery was named today with little dissension by the full Assembly. Eighteen UN ambassadors were selected for the Commission from a wide range of political and geographical representatives. The Special Commission will immediately begin the selection of experts to present opinion and evidence to either verify Tillotson's claim or reject it. Even before the selections have been made, Nobel winner Tillotson has pledged to abide by the final decision.

The UN Special Commission today announced the final selection of organizations which will participate in the authentication of the Jesus tomb. Chosen were: Berlin Polytechnic Institute, Special Department of Relics, International Institute of Testing and Standards, Stockholm, Sweden, Royal British Archaeological Society, Cairo Museum, Curate of History and Culture, The Chandrakar Institute of History and Archaeology, New Delhi, Wermer Memorial Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem University, Historical Forensics Laboratory, Mexico City Museum of Man, and the People's Republic of China's Academy of Antiquities, Beijing.

A spokesman for the Special Commission said "These are the best of the best. It is the sincere hope of the Special Commission that the findings of this group will either verify or lay to rest what is presently a theory about the identity of the body in this tomb. The organizations selected have been instructed to make no statements whatsoever until all analysis is complete. The Special Commission will then announce its final decision."