Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 26


Jesus and Juan were both grateful for the time they spent on the ship. Even in that controlled environment the number of things they encountered for the first time was overwhelming. Their treatment in the hands of the Brazilian Navy ranged from being respected as V.I.P.'s to being watched over as children. For example, after observing crewmen routinely heat snacks in a small microwave, Juan destroyed the device as he heated a foil wrapped biscuit, burning himself in the process. 

Before breakfast on the second day at sea the boys, very much imitating things they had heard from others around the ship, were preparing themselves to be presentable at the Captain's mess. Not understanding its function, the two of them were found standing fully clothed in the cramped shower in their compartment by a concerned steward. It was he who demonstrated that the cramped convenience was best used naked, and most comfortably with hot water, rather than cold. This diplomatic sailor even suggested using the shower one at a time. "Navy regs" he chortled.

This conscientious steward departed for his other duties with a sense of satisfaction at having assisted these unusual passengers. His satisfaction proved to be a fleeting one when five minutes later he found them both naked outside their cabin on the stack deck waiting for their newly acquired fatigues, soaked from the earlier shower, to dry in the breeze.

The rapidity with which the young men from the island accommodated themselves to the protocol of the Navy ship attested to their native intelligence and their anxious willingness to learn. Both of them had the sensation of the constant thrill of being off the island.

Juan sat perplexed, almost afraid to touch anything. "I can't get accustomed to how easily everyone here uses all these things. I want to say that it seems that they have used them all their lives, then I catch myself. They have used them all their lives."

"What keeps Me off balance is how much there is to do. 'Don't take Your clothes off. Take a shower. but take it with Your clothes off. Don't stand in the sunshine naked to get dry.' And these shoes. Maria told Me about shoes when I was young, but I never thought they would be like these. I can put them on, but I can't really walk in them." Jesus spoke absentmindedly as He looked over at small collection of worn books in their cabin. "Even these. We had three books on the island, and we had time to read them over and over. They were the world to Me, Juan. I remember how incredibly honored I felt when you taught Me to read those books."

"Oh Jesus, it made me feel honored, too. But now just look at these." Juan muttered as he selected one. "Here we have 'Blazing Swords and Caribbean Nights, a Tale of Passion, Intrigue and Deception'. Just looking at the title makes me feel like we've already met some girls."

"I have a feeling that we'll know for sure when that happens, Juan." Jesus looked back at His friend with a wisdom beyond His years.

The Navy ship docked at a deserted pier. Brazilian Shore Patrol were strolling lazy rounds, tapping boxes and looking in windows. Quite a number of them were standing in formation, waiting for the ship's arrival. Jesus and Juan were escorted to the gang plank and given a snappy salute from the Captain and the First Officer. Both wished them well, and motioned them to the small group of men waiting on the dock below near a truck, a troop transport.

"Welcome to Rio De Janeiro, Sir. I am Mayor Filbreto Janez and this is Admiral Treratse who directed Your removal from Paraneho. I hope that everything has gone smoothly. The government has arranged quarters for You at a secluded place on the western side of the city."

"We'll leave at once Sir, if that suits You." Noticing Jesus' glance at the soldiers, he added, "The truck and the soldiers are for Your protection. They will be in the motorcade." The Admiral had a certain distance in his voice. He had instructed the lone Navy photographer to shoot only a photo of Jesus and Juan. Neither he nor the Mayor had any interest in appearing with the two until political realities had an opportunity to clarify themselves.

Jesus and Juan looked at each other, especially with respect to the word 'secluded'. That they assumed meant that they would not be meeting any girls any time soon. Juan broke the silence as he turned to the Admiral. "Of course. We are ready to leave when you are."

A staff car of a luxurious model, yet made quite unseemly with its coat of Navy paint roared up to the group. Jesus and Juan, confronted with their first encounter with an automobile both jumped visibly. At a motion from the Admiral's hand, the soldiers broke their formation and began boarding the troop transport.

Jesus and Juan, filled with wonder, immediately jumped up into the truck with them.

Mayor Janez chuckled. The Admiral looked at his shoes, shaking his head. Admiral Treratse later received an official reprimand from his superiors for not affording Jesus and His party a limousine from the Interior Ministry.

Jesus and Juan stared in awe at the sights whirling by the window of the sedan as it made its way, generally by back streets and little used roads, to the Government House a largish mansion normally used for the families of visiting dignitaries. The place, although quite modern, painted itself with a sort of colonial dignity. Long rows of poplars stood watch

The Mayor leaned forward to speak to Jesus. "See, there is a nice pool outside over to the right. I'm told that the house has a bowling alley in the basement. You two should be quite comfortable here until . . ." The fat little politician hesitated. The silence, although momentary, seemed to embarrass him.

Admiral Treratse quickly interjected just as the car was stopping at the main entrance. "I'm sure that what Mayor Janez meant was that You will be very comfortable here until You move on to Your next residence. The Government House is meant as a temporary residence. But, here we are. I'm sure You both will wish to rest. During the next week I believe, You will be having guests from the Church. A day or two after that the Interior Minister will call. He will have some business affairs to discuss with You."

Jesus and Juan were now in the third new world of their adventure. First the Navy ship, then the drive through the city and now this. Having never seen a normal house, they found themselves in a substantial mansion, filled with amenities and services beyond their comprehension.

Already twilight, each enjoyed his first taste of beef, along with many other things. That night Juan arose, unable to sleep, and went off to find his Friend. After an hour of lost wandering, he fell asleep on the carpet in the State Dining Room. Naked. Next morning, both of them received a frank but courteous tour along with a stern, matronly lecture about civilized living from a seasoned woman, Beatrice, who served as a sort of house mother.

The pair made remarkable progress under her tutelage. By the morning of the second day at the mansion, she was pleased to note that at least the pair were usually clothed at appropriate times, albeit only in camouflage fatigues and barefoot. Usually in charge of selecting silver for afternoon luncheons, Beatrice's duties generally ran along the organization of the very finest points of protocol and etiquette. But she was a resourceful woman, flexible and filled with common sense. She found the civilizing of Juan and Jesus both fruitful and gratifying.

Given this overall positive tone in her efforts, after a morning of working with the boys she still found herself less than completely confident of their uncertain modesty. They were attractive and likable enough, but Jesus was, without speaking directly to the matter, influencing her toward an unusual mixture of motherly concern and a strange devotional attraction. She took to sitting outside their suite on the second floor, knitting. She noticed in herself that she seemed peaceful and strangely happy.